<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<shedules league="USA: NBA" id="1046">
  <matches date="March 5, 2019" timezone="EST" formatted_date="5.03.2019">
    <match time="7:00 PM" formatted_date="5.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140818">
      <hometeam name="Indiana Pacers" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1219" />
      <awayteam name="Chicago Bulls" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1186" />
      <team_stats />
    <match time="7:00 PM" formatted_date="5.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140819">
      <hometeam name="Philadelphia 76ers" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1208" />
      <awayteam name="Orlando Magic" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1127" />
      <team_stats />
    <match time="8:00 PM" formatted_date="5.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140820">
      <hometeam name="Toronto Raptors" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1212" />
      <awayteam name="Houston Rockets" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1193" />
      <team_stats />
    <match time="8:00 PM" formatted_date="5.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140821">
      <hometeam name="Memphis Grizzlies" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1206" />
      <awayteam name="Portland Trail Blazers" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1550" />
      <team_stats />
    <match time="8:00 PM" formatted_date="5.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140822">
      <hometeam name="Minnesota Timberwolves" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1202" />
      <awayteam name="Oklahoma City Thunder" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1205" />
      <team_stats />
    <match time="10:30 PM" formatted_date="5.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140823">
      <hometeam name="Golden State Warriors" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1177" />
      <awayteam name="Boston Celtics" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1067" />
      <team_stats />
  <matches date="March 6, 2019" timezone="EST" formatted_date="6.03.2019">
    <match time="7:00 PM" formatted_date="6.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140824">
      <hometeam name="Charlotte Hornets" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1185" />
      <awayteam name="Miami Heat" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1197" />
      <team_stats />
    <match time="7:00 PM" formatted_date="6.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140825">
      <hometeam name="Detroit Pistons" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1203" />
      <awayteam name="Minnesota Timberwolves" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1202" />
      <team_stats />
    <match time="7:00 PM" formatted_date="6.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140826">
      <hometeam name="Washington Wizards" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1218" />
      <awayteam name="Dallas Mavericks" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1189" />
      <team_stats />
    <match time="7:30 PM" formatted_date="6.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140827">
      <hometeam name="Atlanta Hawks" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1182" />
      <awayteam name="San Antonio Spurs" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1190" />
      <team_stats />
    <match time="7:30 PM" formatted_date="6.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140828">
      <hometeam name="Brooklyn Nets" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="8055" />
      <awayteam name="Cleveland Cavaliers" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1183" />
      <team_stats />
    <match time="8:00 PM" formatted_date="6.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140829">
      <hometeam name="Chicago Bulls" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1186" />
      <awayteam name="Philadelphia 76ers" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1208" />
      <team_stats />
    <match time="8:00 PM" formatted_date="6.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140830">
      <hometeam name="New Orleans Pelicans" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1194" />
      <awayteam name="Utah Jazz" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1180" />
      <team_stats />
    <match time="9:00 PM" formatted_date="6.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140831">
      <hometeam name="Phoenix Suns" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1121" />
      <awayteam name="New York Knicks" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1213" />
      <team_stats />
    <match time="10:00 PM" formatted_date="6.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140832">
      <hometeam name="Sacramento Kings" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1225" />
      <awayteam name="Boston Celtics" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1067" />
      <team_stats />
    <match time="10:30 PM" formatted_date="6.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140833">
      <hometeam name="Los Angeles Lakers" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1066" />
      <awayteam name="Denver Nuggets" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1228" />
      <team_stats />
  <matches date="March 7, 2019" timezone="EST" formatted_date="7.03.2019">
    <match time="8:00 PM" formatted_date="7.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140834">
      <hometeam name="Milwaukee Bucks" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1184" />
      <awayteam name="Indiana Pacers" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1219" />
      <team_stats />
    <match time="10:30 PM" formatted_date="7.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140835">
      <hometeam name="Portland Trail Blazers" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1550" />
      <awayteam name="Oklahoma City Thunder" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1205" />
      <team_stats />
  <matches date="March 8, 2019" timezone="EST" formatted_date="8.03.2019">
    <match time="7:00 PM" formatted_date="8.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140836">
      <hometeam name="Charlotte Hornets" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1185" />
      <awayteam name="Washington Wizards" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1218" />
      <team_stats />
    <match time="7:00 PM" formatted_date="8.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140837">
      <hometeam name="Orlando Magic" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1127" />
      <awayteam name="Dallas Mavericks" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1189" />
      <team_stats />
    <match time="8:00 PM" formatted_date="8.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140838">
      <hometeam name="Miami Heat" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1197" />
      <awayteam name="Cleveland Cavaliers" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1183" />
      <team_stats />
    <match time="8:00 PM" formatted_date="8.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140839">
      <hometeam name="Chicago Bulls" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1186" />
      <awayteam name="Detroit Pistons" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1203" />
      <team_stats />
    <match time="8:00 PM" formatted_date="8.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140840">
      <hometeam name="Houston Rockets" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1193" />
      <awayteam name="Philadelphia 76ers" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1208" />
      <team_stats />
    <match time="8:00 PM" formatted_date="8.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140841">
      <hometeam name="Memphis Grizzlies" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1206" />
      <awayteam name="Utah Jazz" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1180" />
      <team_stats />
    <match time="8:00 PM" formatted_date="8.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140842">
      <hometeam name="New Orleans Pelicans" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1194" />
      <awayteam name="Toronto Raptors" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1212" />
      <team_stats />
    <match time="10:30 PM" formatted_date="8.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140843">
      <hometeam name="Golden State Warriors" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1177" />
      <awayteam name="Denver Nuggets" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1228" />
      <team_stats />
    <match time="10:30 PM" formatted_date="8.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140844">
      <hometeam name="Los Angeles Clippers" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1171" />
      <awayteam name="Oklahoma City Thunder" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1205" />
      <team_stats />
  <matches date="March 9, 2019" timezone="EST" formatted_date="9.03.2019">
    <match time="12:00 PM" formatted_date="9.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140845">
      <hometeam name="New York Knicks" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1213" />
      <awayteam name="Sacramento Kings" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1225" />
      <team_stats />
    <match time="7:00 PM" formatted_date="9.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140846">
      <hometeam name="Atlanta Hawks" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1182" />
      <awayteam name="Brooklyn Nets" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="8055" />
      <team_stats />
    <match time="8:00 PM" formatted_date="9.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140847">
      <hometeam name="Minnesota Timberwolves" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1202" />
      <awayteam name="Washington Wizards" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1218" />
      <team_stats />
    <match time="8:30 PM" formatted_date="9.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140848">
      <hometeam name="Los Angeles Lakers" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1066" />
      <awayteam name="Boston Celtics" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1067" />
      <team_stats />
    <match time="9:00 PM" formatted_date="9.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140849">
      <hometeam name="Milwaukee Bucks" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1184" />
      <awayteam name="Charlotte Hornets" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1185" />
      <team_stats />
    <match time="10:00 PM" formatted_date="9.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140850">
      <hometeam name="Portland Trail Blazers" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1550" />
      <awayteam name="Phoenix Suns" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1121" />
      <team_stats />
  <matches date="March 10, 2019" timezone="EST" formatted_date="10.03.2019">
    <match time="11:00 AM" formatted_date="10.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140851">
      <hometeam name="Detroit Pistons" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1203" />
      <awayteam name="Chicago Bulls" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1186" />
      <team_stats />
    <match time="2:30 PM" formatted_date="10.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140852">
      <hometeam name="Miami Heat" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1197" />
      <awayteam name="Toronto Raptors" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1212" />
      <team_stats />
    <match time="2:30 PM" formatted_date="10.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140853">
      <hometeam name="Philadelphia 76ers" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1208" />
      <awayteam name="Indiana Pacers" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1219" />
      <team_stats />
    <match time="5:00 PM" formatted_date="10.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140854">
      <hometeam name="Atlanta Hawks" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1182" />
      <awayteam name="New Orleans Pelicans" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1194" />
      <team_stats />
    <match time="5:00 PM" formatted_date="10.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140855">
      <hometeam name="Memphis Grizzlies" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1206" />
      <awayteam name="Orlando Magic" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1127" />
      <team_stats />
    <match time="6:00 PM" formatted_date="10.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140856">
      <hometeam name="Dallas Mavericks" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1189" />
      <awayteam name="Houston Rockets" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1193" />
      <team_stats />
    <match time="7:00 PM" formatted_date="10.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140857">
      <hometeam name="Minnesota Timberwolves" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1202" />
      <awayteam name="New York Knicks" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1213" />
      <team_stats />
    <match time="7:00 PM" formatted_date="10.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140858">
      <hometeam name="San Antonio Spurs" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1190" />
      <awayteam name="Milwaukee Bucks" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1184" />
      <team_stats />
    <match time="7:30 PM" formatted_date="10.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140859">
      <hometeam name="Golden State Warriors" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1177" />
      <awayteam name="Phoenix Suns" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1121" />
      <team_stats />
  <matches date="March 11, 2019" timezone="EST" formatted_date="11.03.2019">
    <match time="6:00 PM" formatted_date="11.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140860">
      <hometeam name="Cleveland Cavaliers" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1183" />
      <awayteam name="Toronto Raptors" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1212" />
      <team_stats />
    <match time="6:00 PM" formatted_date="11.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140861">
      <hometeam name="Washington Wizards" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1218" />
      <awayteam name="Sacramento Kings" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1225" />
      <team_stats />
    <match time="6:30 PM" formatted_date="11.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140862">
      <hometeam name="Brooklyn Nets" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="8055" />
      <awayteam name="Detroit Pistons" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1203" />
      <team_stats />
    <match time="7:00 PM" formatted_date="11.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140863">
      <hometeam name="Houston Rockets" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1193" />
      <awayteam name="Charlotte Hornets" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1185" />
      <team_stats />
    <match time="8:00 PM" formatted_date="11.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140864">
      <hometeam name="Utah Jazz" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1180" />
      <awayteam name="Oklahoma City Thunder" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1205" />
      <team_stats />
    <match time="9:30 PM" formatted_date="11.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140865">
      <hometeam name="Los Angeles Clippers" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1171" />
      <awayteam name="Boston Celtics" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1067" />
      <team_stats />
  <matches date="March 12, 2019" timezone="EST" formatted_date="12.03.2019">
    <match time="6:00 PM" formatted_date="12.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140866">
      <hometeam name="Indiana Pacers" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1219" />
      <awayteam name="New York Knicks" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1213" />
      <team_stats />
    <match time="6:00 PM" formatted_date="12.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140867">
      <hometeam name="Philadelphia 76ers" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1208" />
      <awayteam name="Cleveland Cavaliers" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1183" />
      <team_stats />
    <match time="7:00 PM" formatted_date="12.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140868">
      <hometeam name="Chicago Bulls" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1186" />
      <awayteam name="Los Angeles Lakers" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1066" />
      <team_stats />
    <match time="7:00 PM" formatted_date="12.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140869">
      <hometeam name="New Orleans Pelicans" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1194" />
      <awayteam name="Milwaukee Bucks" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1184" />
      <team_stats />
    <match time="7:00 PM" formatted_date="12.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140870">
      <hometeam name="Dallas Mavericks" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1189" />
      <awayteam name="San Antonio Spurs" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1190" />
      <team_stats />
    <match time="9:30 PM" formatted_date="12.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140871">
      <hometeam name="Denver Nuggets" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1228" />
      <awayteam name="Minnesota Timberwolves" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1202" />
      <team_stats />
    <match time="9:30 PM" formatted_date="12.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140872">
      <hometeam name="Los Angeles Clippers" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1171" />
      <awayteam name="Portland Trail Blazers" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1550" />
      <team_stats />
  <matches date="March 13, 2019" timezone="EST" formatted_date="13.03.2019">
    <match time="6:00 PM" formatted_date="13.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140874">
      <hometeam name="Washington Wizards" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1218" />
      <awayteam name="Orlando Magic" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1127" />
      <team_stats />
    <match time="6:00 PM" formatted_date="13.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140876">
      <hometeam name="Oklahoma City Thunder" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1205" />
      <awayteam name="Brooklyn Nets" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="8055" />
      <team_stats />
    <match time="6:30 PM" formatted_date="13.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140875">
      <hometeam name="Atlanta Hawks" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1182" />
      <awayteam name="Memphis Grizzlies" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1206" />
      <team_stats />
    <match time="6:30 PM" formatted_date="13.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140873">
      <hometeam name="Miami Heat" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1197" />
      <awayteam name="Detroit Pistons" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1203" />
      <team_stats />
    <match time="8:30 PM" formatted_date="13.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140877">
      <hometeam name="Houston Rockets" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1193" />
      <awayteam name="Golden State Warriors" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1177" />
      <team_stats />
    <match time="9:00 PM" formatted_date="13.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140878">
      <hometeam name="Phoenix Suns" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1121" />
      <awayteam name="Utah Jazz" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1180" />
      <team_stats />
  <matches date="March 14, 2019" timezone="EST" formatted_date="14.03.2019">
    <match time="6:00 PM" formatted_date="14.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140879">
      <hometeam name="Indiana Pacers" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1219" />
      <awayteam name="Oklahoma City Thunder" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1205" />
      <team_stats />
    <match time="6:00 PM" formatted_date="14.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140880">
      <hometeam name="Orlando Magic" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1127" />
      <awayteam name="Cleveland Cavaliers" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1183" />
      <team_stats />
    <match time="6:30 PM" formatted_date="14.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140881">
      <hometeam name="Boston Celtics" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1067" />
      <awayteam name="Sacramento Kings" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1225" />
      <team_stats />
    <match time="7:00 PM" formatted_date="14.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140882">
      <hometeam name="Toronto Raptors" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1212" />
      <awayteam name="Los Angeles Lakers" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1066" />
      <team_stats />
    <match time="8:00 PM" formatted_date="14.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140883">
      <hometeam name="Utah Jazz" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1180" />
      <awayteam name="Minnesota Timberwolves" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1202" />
      <team_stats />
    <match time="9:30 PM" formatted_date="14.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140884">
      <hometeam name="Denver Nuggets" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1228" />
      <awayteam name="Dallas Mavericks" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1189" />
      <team_stats />
  <matches date="March 15, 2019" timezone="EST" formatted_date="15.03.2019">
    <match time="6:00 PM" formatted_date="15.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140885">
      <hometeam name="Detroit Pistons" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1203" />
      <awayteam name="Los Angeles Lakers" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1066" />
      <team_stats />
    <match time="6:00 PM" formatted_date="15.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140886">
      <hometeam name="Philadelphia 76ers" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1208" />
      <awayteam name="Sacramento Kings" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1225" />
      <team_stats />
    <match time="6:00 PM" formatted_date="15.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140887">
      <hometeam name="Washington Wizards" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1218" />
      <awayteam name="Charlotte Hornets" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1185" />
      <team_stats />
    <match time="7:00 PM" formatted_date="15.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140888">
      <hometeam name="Miami Heat" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1197" />
      <awayteam name="Milwaukee Bucks" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1184" />
      <team_stats />
    <match time="7:00 PM" formatted_date="15.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140889">
      <hometeam name="Houston Rockets" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1193" />
      <awayteam name="Phoenix Suns" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1121" />
      <team_stats />
    <match time="7:00 PM" formatted_date="15.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140890">
      <hometeam name="New Orleans Pelicans" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1194" />
      <awayteam name="Portland Trail Blazers" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1550" />
      <team_stats />
    <match time="7:30 PM" formatted_date="15.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140891">
      <hometeam name="San Antonio Spurs" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1190" />
      <awayteam name="New York Knicks" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1213" />
      <team_stats />
    <match time="9:30 PM" formatted_date="15.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140892">
      <hometeam name="Los Angeles Clippers" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1171" />
      <awayteam name="Chicago Bulls" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1186" />
      <team_stats />
  <matches date="March 16, 2019" timezone="EST" formatted_date="16.03.2019">
    <match time="11:30 AM" formatted_date="16.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140893">
      <hometeam name="Boston Celtics" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1067" />
      <awayteam name="Atlanta Hawks" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1182" />
      <team_stats />
    <match time="6:00 PM" formatted_date="16.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140894">
      <hometeam name="Washington Wizards" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1218" />
      <awayteam name="Memphis Grizzlies" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1206" />
      <team_stats />
    <match time="6:00 PM" formatted_date="16.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140895">
      <hometeam name="New Orleans Pelicans" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1194" />
      <awayteam name="Phoenix Suns" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1121" />
      <team_stats />
    <match time="7:30 PM" formatted_date="16.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140896">
      <hometeam name="Dallas Mavericks" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1189" />
      <awayteam name="Cleveland Cavaliers" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1183" />
      <team_stats />
    <match time="7:30 PM" formatted_date="16.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140897">
      <hometeam name="Oklahoma City Thunder" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1205" />
      <awayteam name="Golden State Warriors" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1177" />
      <team_stats />
    <match time="7:30 PM" formatted_date="16.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140898">
      <hometeam name="San Antonio Spurs" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1190" />
      <awayteam name="Portland Trail Blazers" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1550" />
      <team_stats />
    <match time="8:00 PM" formatted_date="16.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140899">
      <hometeam name="Denver Nuggets" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1228" />
      <awayteam name="Indiana Pacers" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1219" />
      <team_stats />
    <match time="8:00 PM" formatted_date="16.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140900">
      <hometeam name="Utah Jazz" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1180" />
      <awayteam name="Brooklyn Nets" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="8055" />
      <team_stats />
  <matches date="March 17, 2019" timezone="EST" formatted_date="17.03.2019">
    <match time="11:00 AM" formatted_date="17.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140901">
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      <awayteam name="Los Angeles Lakers" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1066" />
      <team_stats />
    <match time="12:00 PM" formatted_date="17.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140902">
      <hometeam name="Miami Heat" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1197" />
      <awayteam name="Charlotte Hornets" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1185" />
      <team_stats />
    <match time="2:30 PM" formatted_date="17.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140903">
      <hometeam name="Milwaukee Bucks" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1184" />
      <awayteam name="Philadelphia 76ers" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1208" />
      <team_stats />
    <match time="3:00 PM" formatted_date="17.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140904">
      <hometeam name="Detroit Pistons" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1203" />
      <awayteam name="Toronto Raptors" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1212" />
      <team_stats />
    <match time="5:00 PM" formatted_date="17.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140905">
      <hometeam name="Orlando Magic" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1127" />
      <awayteam name="Atlanta Hawks" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1182" />
      <team_stats />
    <match time="5:00 PM" formatted_date="17.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140906">
      <hometeam name="Sacramento Kings" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1225" />
      <awayteam name="Chicago Bulls" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1186" />
      <team_stats />
    <match time="8:00 PM" formatted_date="17.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140907">
      <hometeam name="Houston Rockets" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1193" />
      <awayteam name="Minnesota Timberwolves" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1202" />
      <team_stats />
    <match time="8:00 PM" formatted_date="17.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140908">
      <hometeam name="Los Angeles Clippers" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1171" />
      <awayteam name="Brooklyn Nets" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="8055" />
      <team_stats />
  <matches date="March 18, 2019" timezone="EST" formatted_date="18.03.2019">
    <match time="6:00 PM" formatted_date="18.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140909">
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      <awayteam name="Detroit Pistons" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1203" />
      <team_stats />
    <match time="6:00 PM" formatted_date="18.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140910">
      <hometeam name="Washington Wizards" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1218" />
      <awayteam name="Utah Jazz" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1180" />
      <team_stats />
    <match time="6:30 PM" formatted_date="18.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140911">
      <hometeam name="Boston Celtics" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1067" />
      <awayteam name="Denver Nuggets" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1228" />
      <team_stats />
    <match time="6:30 PM" formatted_date="18.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140912">
      <hometeam name="Toronto Raptors" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1212" />
      <awayteam name="New York Knicks" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1213" />
      <team_stats />
    <match time="7:00 PM" formatted_date="18.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140913">
      <hometeam name="Oklahoma City Thunder" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1205" />
      <awayteam name="Miami Heat" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1197" />
      <team_stats />
    <match time="7:00 PM" formatted_date="18.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140914">
      <hometeam name="San Antonio Spurs" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1190" />
      <awayteam name="Golden State Warriors" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1177" />
      <team_stats />
    <match time="7:30 PM" formatted_date="18.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140915">
      <hometeam name="Dallas Mavericks" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1189" />
      <awayteam name="New Orleans Pelicans" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1194" />
      <team_stats />
    <match time="9:00 PM" formatted_date="18.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140916">
      <hometeam name="Phoenix Suns" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1121" />
      <awayteam name="Chicago Bulls" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1186" />
      <team_stats />
    <match time="9:30 PM" formatted_date="18.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140917">
      <hometeam name="Portland Trail Blazers" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1550" />
      <awayteam name="Indiana Pacers" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1219" />
      <team_stats />
  <matches date="March 19, 2019" timezone="EST" formatted_date="19.03.2019">
    <match time="6:00 PM" formatted_date="19.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140918">
      <hometeam name="Charlotte Hornets" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1185" />
      <awayteam name="Philadelphia 76ers" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1208" />
      <team_stats />
    <match time="6:30 PM" formatted_date="19.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140919">
      <hometeam name="Atlanta Hawks" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1182" />
      <awayteam name="Houston Rockets" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1193" />
      <team_stats />
    <match time="7:00 PM" formatted_date="19.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140920">
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      <awayteam name="Los Angeles Lakers" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1066" />
      <team_stats />
    <match time="7:00 PM" formatted_date="19.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140921">
      <hometeam name="Minnesota Timberwolves" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1202" />
      <awayteam name="Golden State Warriors" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1177" />
      <team_stats />
    <match time="9:00 PM" formatted_date="19.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140922">
      <hometeam name="Sacramento Kings" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1225" />
      <awayteam name="Brooklyn Nets" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="8055" />
      <team_stats />
    <match time="9:30 PM" formatted_date="19.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140923">
      <hometeam name="Los Angeles Clippers" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1171" />
      <awayteam name="Indiana Pacers" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1219" />
      <team_stats />
  <matches date="March 20, 2019" timezone="EST" formatted_date="20.03.2019">
    <match time="6:00 PM" formatted_date="20.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140924">
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      <awayteam name="Milwaukee Bucks" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1184" />
      <team_stats />
    <match time="6:00 PM" formatted_date="20.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140925">
      <hometeam name="Orlando Magic" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1127" />
      <awayteam name="New Orleans Pelicans" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1194" />
      <team_stats />
    <match time="6:00 PM" formatted_date="20.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140926">
      <hometeam name="Philadelphia 76ers" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1208" />
      <awayteam name="Boston Celtics" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1067" />
      <team_stats />
    <match time="6:30 PM" formatted_date="20.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140927">
      <hometeam name="New York Knicks" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1213" />
      <awayteam name="Utah Jazz" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1180" />
      <team_stats />
    <match time="7:00 PM" formatted_date="20.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140928">
      <hometeam name="Chicago Bulls" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1186" />
      <awayteam name="Washington Wizards" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1218" />
      <team_stats />
    <match time="7:00 PM" formatted_date="20.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140929">
      <hometeam name="Memphis Grizzlies" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1206" />
      <awayteam name="Houston Rockets" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1193" />
      <team_stats />
    <match time="7:30 PM" formatted_date="20.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140930">
      <hometeam name="San Antonio Spurs" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1190" />
      <awayteam name="Miami Heat" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1197" />
      <team_stats />
    <match time="8:30 PM" formatted_date="20.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140931">
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      <awayteam name="Toronto Raptors" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1212" />
      <team_stats />
    <match time="9:00 PM" formatted_date="20.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140932">
      <hometeam name="Portland Trail Blazers" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1550" />
      <awayteam name="Dallas Mavericks" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1189" />
      <team_stats />
  <matches date="March 21, 2019" timezone="EST" formatted_date="21.03.2019">
    <match time="6:00 PM" formatted_date="21.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140933">
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      <awayteam name="Minnesota Timberwolves" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1202" />
      <team_stats />
    <match time="6:00 PM" formatted_date="21.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140934">
      <hometeam name="Washington Wizards" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1218" />
      <awayteam name="Denver Nuggets" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1228" />
      <team_stats />
    <match time="6:30 PM" formatted_date="21.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140935">
      <hometeam name="Atlanta Hawks" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1182" />
      <awayteam name="Utah Jazz" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1180" />
      <team_stats />
    <match time="9:00 PM" formatted_date="21.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140936">
      <hometeam name="Phoenix Suns" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1121" />
      <awayteam name="Detroit Pistons" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1203" />
      <team_stats />
    <match time="9:00 PM" formatted_date="21.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140937">
      <hometeam name="Sacramento Kings" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1225" />
      <awayteam name="Dallas Mavericks" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1189" />
      <team_stats />
    <match time="9:30 PM" formatted_date="21.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140938">
      <hometeam name="Golden State Warriors" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1177" />
      <awayteam name="Indiana Pacers" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1219" />
      <team_stats />
  <matches date="March 22, 2019" timezone="EST" formatted_date="22.03.2019">
    <match time="6:00 PM" formatted_date="22.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140939">
      <hometeam name="Orlando Magic" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1127" />
      <awayteam name="Memphis Grizzlies" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1206" />
      <team_stats />
    <match time="6:30 PM" formatted_date="22.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140940">
      <hometeam name="Cleveland Cavaliers" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1183" />
      <awayteam name="Los Angeles Clippers" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1171" />
      <team_stats />
    <match time="6:30 PM" formatted_date="22.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140941">
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      <awayteam name="Denver Nuggets" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1228" />
      <team_stats />
    <match time="6:30 PM" formatted_date="22.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140942">
      <hometeam name="Toronto Raptors" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1212" />
      <awayteam name="Oklahoma City Thunder" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1205" />
      <team_stats />
    <match time="7:00 PM" formatted_date="22.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140943">
      <hometeam name="Houston Rockets" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1193" />
      <awayteam name="San Antonio Spurs" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1190" />
      <team_stats />
    <match time="7:30 PM" formatted_date="22.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140944">
      <hometeam name="Milwaukee Bucks" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1184" />
      <awayteam name="Miami Heat" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1197" />
      <team_stats />
    <match time="9:30 PM" formatted_date="22.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140945">
      <hometeam name="Los Angeles Lakers" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1066" />
      <awayteam name="Brooklyn Nets" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="8055" />
      <team_stats />
  <matches date="March 23, 2019" timezone="EST" formatted_date="23.03.2019">
    <match time="5:00 PM" formatted_date="23.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140946">
      <hometeam name="Charlotte Hornets" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1185" />
      <awayteam name="Boston Celtics" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1067" />
      <team_stats />
    <match time="6:00 PM" formatted_date="23.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140947">
      <hometeam name="Washington Wizards" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1218" />
      <awayteam name="Miami Heat" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1197" />
      <team_stats />
    <match time="6:30 PM" formatted_date="23.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140948">
      <hometeam name="Atlanta Hawks" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1182" />
      <awayteam name="Philadelphia 76ers" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1208" />
      <team_stats />
    <match time="7:00 PM" formatted_date="23.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140949">
      <hometeam name="Chicago Bulls" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1186" />
      <awayteam name="Utah Jazz" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1180" />
      <team_stats />
    <match time="7:00 PM" formatted_date="23.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140950">
      <hometeam name="Memphis Grizzlies" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1206" />
      <awayteam name="Minnesota Timberwolves" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1202" />
      <team_stats />
    <match time="7:30 PM" formatted_date="23.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140951">
      <hometeam name="Golden State Warriors" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1177" />
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      <team_stats />
    <match time="9:00 PM" formatted_date="23.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140952">
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    <match time="9:00 PM" formatted_date="23.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140953">
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  <matches date="March 24, 2019" timezone="EST" formatted_date="24.03.2019">
    <match time="11:00 AM" formatted_date="24.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140954">
      <hometeam name="New York Knicks" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1213" />
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    <match time="3:30 PM" formatted_date="24.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140955">
      <hometeam name="Milwaukee Bucks" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1184" />
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    <match time="4:00 PM" formatted_date="24.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140956">
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      <awayteam name="Denver Nuggets" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1228" />
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    <match time="5:00 PM" formatted_date="24.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140957">
      <hometeam name="Toronto Raptors" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1212" />
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      <team_stats />
    <match time="6:00 PM" formatted_date="24.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140958">
      <hometeam name="New Orleans Pelicans" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1194" />
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      <team_stats />
    <match time="6:30 PM" formatted_date="24.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140959">
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      <awayteam name="San Antonio Spurs" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1190" />
      <team_stats />
    <match time="7:30 PM" formatted_date="24.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140960">
      <hometeam name="Golden State Warriors" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1177" />
      <awayteam name="Detroit Pistons" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1203" />
      <team_stats />
    <match time="8:30 PM" formatted_date="24.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140961">
      <hometeam name="Los Angeles Lakers" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1066" />
      <awayteam name="Sacramento Kings" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1225" />
      <team_stats />
  <matches date="March 25, 2019" timezone="EST" formatted_date="25.03.2019">
    <match time="6:00 PM" formatted_date="25.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140962">
      <hometeam name="Orlando Magic" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1127" />
      <awayteam name="Philadelphia 76ers" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1208" />
      <team_stats />
    <match time="7:00 PM" formatted_date="25.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140963">
      <hometeam name="Memphis Grizzlies" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1206" />
      <awayteam name="Oklahoma City Thunder" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1205" />
      <team_stats />
    <match time="8:00 PM" formatted_date="25.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140964">
      <hometeam name="Utah Jazz" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1180" />
      <awayteam name="Phoenix Suns" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1121" />
      <team_stats />
    <match time="9:00 PM" formatted_date="25.03.2019" status="Not Started" id="140965">
      <hometeam name="Portland Trail Blazers" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="1550" />
      <awayteam name="Brooklyn Nets" q1="" q2="" q3="" q4="" ot="" totalscore="" id="8055" />
      <team_stats />

JSON feed samples can be requested from support@goalserve.com. For more information regarding feed structure please send email to support@goalserve.com or from contact us page. Thank you.

Basketball Feed Coverage | NBA Stats API

Goalserve basketball data feed coverage include all major leagues and cups worldwide. Our basketball data feed can be used in different types of applications like livescore, fantasy applications, betting and more. Feed coverage include live score data, live fantasy stats data, bookmaker pregame and in-play odds.

  • USA: NBA
  • Europe: Euroleague
  • Brazil: NBB
  • Spain: ACB
  • Italy: Lega A
  • France: LNB
  • Turkey: Super Lig
  • Europe: Eurobasket
  • World: World Cup
  • World: Olympics
  • Russia: VTB League
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The NBA is a professional basketball league that has been thrilling sports fans for decades. The league has also become a major source of data for sports statisticians and enthusiasts. The NBA API is an integral part of this data collection endeavor, providing sports fans with real-time information about both current and historical NBA events. Goalserve Sports is a leading provider of NBA API data feeds, offering a vast array of information to sports enthusiasts. These data feeds give fans access to a range of statistics, including player and team performance metrics, game scores, and player injuries, to name just a few.

The prices for these NBA API data feeds can vary depending on the type of data and the level of access. There are several pricing packages available from Goalserve Sports, each with its own set of features and pricing options. One pricing option is the Starter Package. This package is perfect for those who are just starting out with sports data collection or research. Included in the package is access to real-time game data, player and team information, and statistical analysis tools. The Starter Package is priced affordably, making it accessible to anyone who is interested in NBA data feeds.

For those who require a more advanced level of data access, the Pro Package is an excellent choice. The Pro Package offers all of the features of the Starter Package, plus additional metrics such as advanced play-by-play data, detailed player and team tracking, and more in-depth statistical analysis tools. Of course, with these added features comes a slight increase in price, but for sports enthusiasts who require more comprehensive data, it's well worth it. For the truly dedicated sports fan, the All-Inclusive Package provides access to Goalserve Sports' complete range of NBA API data feeds. This package includes all of the features of the Starter and Pro Packages, as well as access to historical NBA data, customized statistical analysis tools, and exclusive insights from leading NBA experts. While this package is the priciest of all, it is an ideal choice for those who require the most in-depth and comprehensive NBA data feeds.

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  • 15 years on market

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  • 20+ sports

    With 3 independent data centres Goalserve deliver data for more than 20 sports in XML and JSON formats for your website.